S0E06 – Warfare Pt. 6

S0E06 – Warfare Pt. 6

Carrie vision: A kind elderly doctor that is treating a patient, then suddenly draws a knife and starts cutting with a terrible resolve.  The coterie starts to establish themselves in Barcelona, excavating tunnels, building havens and seeking out potential...
S0E05 – Warfare Pt. 5

S0E05 – Warfare Pt. 5

During the escape from the refugee camp, Simon and Yoshiko managed to get lost in the tumult. Carrie and Johannes secures the prisoner and manage to get to Gustavius’ old workshop.  They  encase the setit in concrete and begin the interrogation: ...
S0E04 – Warfare Pt. 4

S0E04 – Warfare Pt. 4

During the day you can hear Scrappy wallowing, you confront him the next night and Johannes and Sigmund manages to put the pieces together, he is an old clan Tzimische an almost dead bloodline abandon by his sire. Your ghouls, contacts and herd reports in sightings...
S01E03 – Warfare Pt. 3

S01E03 – Warfare Pt. 3

The coterie leaves the party to start investigating the murder/attack on Louis Danton.  They start by confronting Mariam Ajvar (Aisha Deneva), who freely admits she has several boons that need to be repaid by handling parts of the clan’s heroin smuggling. A...
S0E02 – Warfare Pt. 2

S0E02 – Warfare Pt. 2

You gather at the theater for a simple party to introduce Sigmund as the new ruler of barcelona.  The fresh guests being introduced to prince Andre, and all seem at least a little bothered by the occasion  “Scrappy” Joseph Pander, seem to believe that he was...
S0E01 – Warfare Pt.1

S0E01 – Warfare Pt.1

The plot is fairly simple the coterie is slowly assembled from across Europe to meet Regis, prince of Marseilles. He offers the title of prince of Barcelona to Sigmund de Valier, and expands on his plan to make it in to a free city a chance for young kindreds to...