S0E01 – Warfare Pt.1


The plot is fairly simple the coterie is slowly assembled from across Europe to meet Regis, prince of Marseilles. He offers the title of prince of Barcelona to Sigmund de Valier, and expands on his plan to make it in to a free city a chance for young kindreds to establish themselves and carve out a life in the edge between the horrible sabbat death cult and scamming camarilla. A shining beacon in the night.

Yet despite all his talks of freedom and new chances he asked Johannes to spy on the city on his behalf.

Beneath the city Yoshito and Johannes has discovered a vast network of tunnels, built by old Nosferto masons convening in to an underwater bunker, yet they seem abandon for hundreds of years, what purpose could they hold.

You have now planned a party for the kindred of the city to meet their new lord, but will they accept his rule, being rejects, vagabonds, spies and maybe more.

Unanswered questions

Carrie, what has happened to your grandsire Victor Salon, what did he found in that old diary that made him mistrust Ravenhurst and the hidden mission of the cult of Eris.

Johannes, when arriving in the city after your sojourn the sabbat seem to have been eradicated. The children of Gustavius dead and their secrets gone. Yet you have failed to determine if Sabrina Lupin was among the victims, and how long will she wait for her key, and what is the citadel.

Sigmund, after a few decades of wandering you finally has the scent of Leonardo, serving the dark lord Subira. You have two clues a mining company and the name of an associate that might know the name and face of your nemesis.  

Yoshito, you have taken the time to map the city and to a lesser extent the tunnels. And in all this you cannot wonder what’s the true purpose of your mission. Gissou the enigmatic sire of Sigmund, seem to hold her cards close.     

Författare av detta inlägg:

Niclas har spelat rollspel sedan 90-talet. Som för många andra började allt med Drakar och Demoner. Nu på senare år har han påbörjat ett flertal kampanjer både som spelledare och spelare i alla möjliga slags spel.

Inte vad du letade efter? 
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