S0E04 – Warfare Pt. 4


During the day you can hear Scrappy wallowing, you confront him the next night and Johannes and Sigmund manages to put the pieces together, he is an old clan Tzimische an almost dead bloodline abandon by his sire. Your ghouls, contacts and herd reports in sightings from the rowing setites as they attempt further assassinations. Yet one target seems to be excluded, nobody is watching deMill. You go there after dropping off Scrappy, and find a hidden sentry. 

Sigmund manages to follow the sentries back to a migrant camp, and finds the base of the intruders. A breakaway sect from the setites known as the serpents of light. A fight breaks out and Sigmund manages to display his dark sorcery to bring down a few, while poor little Carrie unleashes a strange devastating power, not traditionally in the Malkavian arsenal, and Johannes just decides to blow stuff up.    

Unanswered questions

Should you try to take the leader of the expedition into custody? He can’t be staked and has an impressive array of possible powers that will make him hard to contain. 

The pack has a fairly correct image of the dwellings of different kindreds in the city and each is marked with a red pin, except Johannes cabarré who is marked with a blue pin. One of Johannes’ herd also described that a single vagrant tried to gain access to his apartment without threats or violence.

Carrie receives a strange message carved on the wall of her room. Is it just traditional Malkavian madness or another Malkavian trying to connect through the “madness network known a s Malkavian time”.  She already asked Miiam for an additional potion. 

Författare av detta inlägg:

Niclas har spelat rollspel sedan 90-talet. Som för många andra började allt med Drakar och Demoner. Nu på senare år har han påbörjat ett flertal kampanjer både som spelledare och spelare i alla möjliga slags spel.

Inte vad du letade efter? 
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